We perform your financial management expertly and comprehensively

We are a modern accounting firm that offers a genuine and knowledgeable financial management partnership.

A genuine and knowledgeable financial management partnership

With our versatile services, we are a modern accounting firm that provides a genuine and knowledgeable partnership in all matters of financial management

We are a partner that matters to your business. Our cooperation is based on understanding your business and operating environment. Customer insight enables us to build and make our financial management services part of our customers’ everyday lives. As your financial management partner, we can support you in achieving your business goals once we understand your business.

We believe in personal service. Accessibility, transparency, problem-solving and commitment describe our personal accounting service.

As a comprehensive partner in financial management, we support the success of limited liability companies seeking growth and development, as well as multinational corporations. When you choose us as your financial management partner, you can focus entirely on issues relevant to the business of your company, while Balanco takes care of your financial management expertly.

A team takes care of your company’s financial management

We provide you with a personal team that takes care of your company’s financial management jointly. Your team consists of an accounting advisor, a personal bookkeeper, a payroll specialist and, if necessary, a financial assistant and alternates.

Each team member can focus on his or her core expertise in our service, on the area that creates the best added value to your company’s financial management. The comprehensive customer insight and accountability in your service team ensures that the alternates are also familiar with your financial management. This is how we guarantees the quality of service and proactive service even in the event of exceptional circumstances.

With our financial management service, you get

  • Financial management partner who supports your business
  • Personal service team (accounting advisor, accountant and payroll specialist).
  • Balanco also provides comprehensive expert services in finance, taxation and business law to support growth and internationalization.
  • Financial advisor as part of Balanco’s accounting service. Financial expert to support business
  • Versatile ancillary services (financial assistant, HR) for everyday support
  • Digital financial management tools that support your business (Procountor or Netvisor)

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Personal accountant service for your needs, only one call away
+358 40 962 1840